Emotional Intelligence & Personal Mastery

Emotional Intelligence & Personal Mastery
Price: £1,165 (Plus VAT)
Duration: Five 2-hour virtual mediated sessions over five weeks
Start Date: September 24
Time: 5pm – 7pm (UK time)
Location: Via Zoom

Course Modules:

Module 1: Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
Module 2: Self-Awareness
Module 3: Self-Management
Module 4: Social Awareness
Module 5: Relationship Management

emotional intelligence & personal mastery

‘’Emotional Intelligence is a far more accurate determinant of success today than IQ, and the good news is, unlike IQ, it is self-determined and can be developed over time. “Richard Cullinan

Emotional Intelligence is your ability to recognise and understand emotions in yourself and in others and to use this awareness to manage your emotions and behaviour and maximise the value of your relationships.

Researchers at the World Economic Forum reckon that by 2030 Emotional Intelligence will be the most required skill for everyone in every occupation.

At work, emotional intelligence accounts for 58% of performance in all types of jobs, yet only 36% of people can recognise and describe their emotions as they happen. At home, EQ will, to a large degree, determine the quality and health of your closest relationships.

Based on the latest research in neuroscience and behavioural change, our new online programme, Emotional Intelligence & Personal Mastery, will give you the skills to change your emotional life and achieve mastery in key personal and social competencies, including self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management.

Give your personal and work life a major boost by enrolling in this course today and unleash your innate potential. Achieve an advanced level of personal mastery in a short space of time which will last a lifetime!

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what our students say

“I think everyone on this email will say the same, you have made a huge impact in our lives, thank you.”

– Sharon, Great Plains Conservation

course duration & learning process

Emotional Intelligence & Personal Mastery is delivered online in groups of no more than 12 participants to ensure your learning journey is individualised and meaningful. You will get to know your co-learners over a period of five weeks, building relationships and a support structure that should last long after you have completed your course.

The course is delivered in five online virtual mediated sessions of 120 minutes each. Prior to attending your sessions, you will receive a short book of knowledge for each module which you will be required to read with some exercises for you to do.

Take Your First Step to Achieving a Recognised Qualification

Students who complete this life changing course will be offered the opportunity to enrol in a further two modules, Leading a Diverse Team and Leading Your Team to Greatness, which, when completed, will earn you a certificate for Leading with Emotional Intelligence from The Institute of Leadership and Management in the UK.

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